1. Try and work out why you feel so guilty.
Make a list of all the things you feel guilty about. Try and work out
which item sparks the strongest reaction. That’s probably the item to
focus on.
2. Rate it on a scale of 1-10. That will help you to assess how bad it really was – as sometimes we feel guilty about stupid, minor things.
3. Think through what you can do.
Think of actions you can take to try and make things a bit better –
even if deep down you know that you can never make things right. It will
bring some relief, and will strengthen your resolve to do things
differently another time.
4. If your guilt is “false guilt” (so you
just generally feel guilty), consider working with a counsellor. You may
have developed a shame based personality - so you basically feel
worthless and inadequate.
5. Forgive yourself. You can’t turn back the
clock. What’s done is done. But you can start again and try to be a
different person. Let it go, don’t think about it. The future is what
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