Saturday, 26 July 2014

Tips for Overcoming Shyness

1. Notice your triggers – the people and situations that make you want to hide.

2. Identify the different thoughts that you are thinking at these times, and the negative things you are saying to yourself.

3. Identify your special and your unique qualities – all your good points and your strengths, the different things that make you you.   

4. Try to grasp that other people aren’t thinking about you (as they are thinking of themselves, and how they come across, instead.)

5. Realise that you are usually so much harder on yourself – whereas others like and love you as you are – for being you.

6.  Try to see that just conforming is a boring way to live. It’s so much better to be natural, and to be your real, true self.

7.  Resist the urge to escape quickly when you feel uncomfortable. Just hang in there and you’ll find that things will slowly start to change.

8. Notice all the times you’re brave and move outside your comfort zone … and find that things don’t fall apart - but go much better than you’d thought. 

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